Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9th Sept 2009 - Lecture 4: Program Security

Today, Mr. Zaki is going to teach the new lecture. It is lecture 4: Program Security. This lecture is all about how to secure program and type of malicious code. Malicious code is an unanticipated or undesired effect in programs that generated for the intended of damage. Damage could be in form of modification/destruction, stolen data, unauthorized access, damage on system, or other forms not intended by users.

There are many type of malicious code such as virus, Trojan or worm. Below table show that the type of malicious code and it characteristics:

Next, Mr. Zaki is explaining about the type of viruses. Virus can have many types such as parasitic virus, memory-resident virus, boot sector virus, stealth virus and polymorphic virus. Each of the viruses has it own harm. For example, boot sector virus is a virus that can infect the boot sector of a disk, and spreads when the OS boots up.

Then, Mr. Zaki is explaining what are trapdoors and the Salami Attack. Trapdoors are often caused by programmers leaving debug routines in the code. Or failure to check array bounds which lets code overrun the array bounds and gets placed on the stack. While Salami Attack refer to the simple fact, that when dealing with real numbers the computer has a fixed size and will perform rounding or truncation. There will always be those programmers that will try to conceal the small amounts on the hope that humans will not notice.

In the end of the lecture, Mr. Zaki explains the way to prevent virus infection. For example:
  • Use only commercial software acquired from reliable, well established vendors
  • Test all new software on an isolated computer
  • Do not put a floppy disk in the machine unless it has been scanned first
  • Scan any downloaded files before they are run

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